Angular 5 features
Angular5 Features: 1.Next version of angular4 2.AOT (Ahead of Time )Compiler made as default 3.Type checking even in templates <input type="number"> 4.More Flexible metadata and error messages got improved 5.Hybrid upgrade applications @angular/core @latest 6.Build Optimizer A build optimiser which removed unnecessary code from applications. -It is tool which is included in CLI. benefits: - Remove addtional parts like spaces in components - While runtime it remove decorators so that our final application size will be reduced 7.Share application state between Serverside to client side 8.Preserve white space @component{ selector: preserveWhiteSpace:false; } 9.i18N -Number date currency pipes 10.HttpCLient is smaller and easier To update to HttpClient, you’ll need to replace HttpModule with HttpClientModule from @angular/common/http in each of your modules, inject the HttpClient service, and remove any map(res => res.json()) calls, which are no longer ne...