
Showing posts from February, 2024

Optimizing Script Loading for Faster Website Performance

  Introduction: When it comes to website performance, the placement of <script> tags plays a crucial role in optimizing user experience. Understanding how browsers handle script loading can help enhance the speed at which your website loads. In this blog post, we'll explore the evolution of script placement recommendations and discuss modern approaches for efficient script loading. The Traditional Challenge: In the early days of web development, scripts positioned in the <head> tag could halt the entire parsing process, causing delays in rendering the page. This was particularly problematic when scripts manipulated the Document Object Model (DOM) during loading, requiring the parser to wait until the script was downloaded and executed. The Antiquated Recommendation: To mitigate this issue, an older recommendation was to place <script> tags at the bottom of the <body> . While this prevented the parser from being blocked until the end, it introduced a new...

Exploring HTML5: New Features For Interview Prep

Title: Exploring HTML5: New Features, Elements, and Form Enhancements Introduction: HTML5, the latest version of HTML, introduces a range of features and elements that enhance the capabilities of web development. In this blog, we'll delve into various aspects of HTML5, including new data types, form elements, canvas, media tags, and more. New Features in HTML5: 1. Local Storage :    - HTML5 introduces support for local storage, allowing developers to store up to 10 MB of data, surpassing the limitations of traditional cookies.     2. New Form Elements:    - `<datalist>` : Specifies a list of options for input controls.    - `<keygen>` : Represents a key-pair generator field.    - `<output>` : Represents the result of a scripting calculation. 3. Canvas Element:    - The `<canvas>` element facilitates 2D drawing and is particularly useful for creating charts, graphs, and interactive graphics using JavaScr...

JavaScript Data Types

Let's check the Data Types in JavaScript - Two Categories of Data Types: Primitive Data Types — These are immutable and cannot be modified after creation. a. String: let name = "JavaScript" ; // typeof(name) — 'string' b. Number: let age = 18 ; // typeof(age) — number c. BigInt: console . log ( 9007199254740991n + 1n ); // 9007199254740992n d. Boolean: let truth = false ; // typeof(truth) — boolean e. null: let age = null ; // null f. Undefined: let age; // undefined g. Symbol: let id = Symbol ( 'id' ); Non-Primitive Data Types — These are mutable and can be modified after creation. a. Object: var student = { firstName : "Hello" , lastName : "World" , age : 18 , height : 170 , fullName : function ( ) { return this . firstName + " " + this . lastName ; } }; b. Array: var colors = [ "red" , "green" , "blue" ]; c. Function: function greet ( name ) { return ...